jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


Good night!

I have been thinking about motivation and learning, and it is really important to catch our student´s attention.

To do this, I have found a funny nursery rhyme about ABC Song. You can find it in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK99ZcVi0b4

The problem is that we musn´t listen a song and.. that´s all. We need to work with it. One option is to follow those steps:
1. At the beginning of the class the teacher shows a flashcard with the letter “A”. After that, she asks: who knows how to say it in English?
2. We distribute different flashcards to the children. Each one of them has one letter of the alphabet.
3. The teacher plays the song once and everybody has to sing it.
4. The teacher plays the song again but this time he/she stops in a letter. The person who has this letter has to repeat it without music.

You can also use this song in a different way; for example, yo can stop the music and ask which letter is next,  ask about their colours. You can also make a list with all the words  and associate each letter with its word.

I would like to suggest you the following tips with different ways to work with songs:

Cetificate of adoption

Good evening!!!

Today it´s time to review animals and parts of the body. To do this, I present you a task
I have done this sheet with word. With that, children will have to imagine theirr animal. 

But it is not so simple. They will have to choose how many eyes, how many legs or how many arms have their animals. They can also combine a cat with a dog or an elephant with a snail.

Each child will have to draw and also to describe it.  But the most interesting point of this activity is to give our animals special qualities. For that, they will have to say what it is able to do. If it can fly, jump, sing.. 

I hope you like it

Kind Regards!


Hello, mates!

One of the most important think we need to work with our childrens is creativity. Usually, we tell them how to draw. We show their images and they try to copy them. But we forget the importance of being theirseleves and also to develop their personality.

This activity consists on create a draw. For that, we are going to use the smart blackboard. We are going to give one word to each child. They have to read ir and one by one they are going to draw this word in the smart blackboard. Then, their mates will rise up their hands if they know what´s his/her mate drawing.
I use this activity everyday. It is an easy, attractive and funny activity. It motivates children, it increases their world´s structure, it secures vocabulary and it is also a good tool for us to evaluateour students

We don´t have to compare draws, neither to undervaluate them, because art is not made for anybody and is, at the same time, for everybody.


Good morning! 
Have you ever been in London? 
For those who has not been there, I am going to show you this activity. It´s a cooperative porject:

At first, the teacher will explain some things about London, especially the most important things and the necessity to know English if they want to go there.
Then , we will see this video. It is a song about London:

Then, students will be divided in four groups. Each one of them is going to have one of the following pictures:

Each group will discuss about their monument and its importance, taking into account their partner´s opinion. They will have to describe it and to know what is for. They will have to write their opinions and each one of them will explain one of their characteristics. 


The magic "e"

Good morning!!
This activity is about tricky words.
But.. Wht´s "the magic e"?  The magic e appears in those words which have one "e" at  the end, but this "e" has not sound. For that reason we name it as "magic e"
It works writting and it is really useful and funny.

Instructions: You have to underline the words with "magic "e".

Cake                                                                                     Plate

Late                                                                                      Bean

Bee                                                                                        Wave

Fire                                                                                        Theet

Rose                                                                                      Mouses

Calendar                                                                               Nine

E-mail                                                                                   Bone

Bike                                                                                       Meal

Weather                                                                                 Nine

Ears                                                                                      Shoulder

Nose                                                                                      Feet

HavE a nicE  day!